使集束钢纤维均匀分散在混凝土中 |
添加时间:2019/6/3 13:34:38 浏览次数: |
目前,我国生产的剪切钢纤维品种繁多,主要有:直角矩形截面,在长度方向稍有扭曲的剪切钢纤维;端部呈弯曲形的弯钩剪切钢纤维;表面凸压痕状的刻痕钢纤维;波形带钢剪切而成的压波钢纤维以及集束钢纤维。 At present, there are many kinds of shear steel fibers produced in our country, such as: rectangular cross-section shear steel fibers with slightly twisted length direction; bending hook shear steel fibers with curved geband.89ix.comgeyouchi.89ix.comguhuaji.89ix.comyapianji.89ix.compeidianz.89ix.comguanjiaw.89ix.com ends; indentated steel fibers with convex surface; corrugated steel fibers sheared by corrugated strips and bundled steel fibers. 集束钢纤维是由几个甚至几十个纤维并排在一起,掺入拌合料时,与水以及砂、石搅拌,使集束钢纤维均匀分散在混凝土中。Cluster steel fibers are composed of several or even dozens of fibers side by side. When mixing with water, sand and stone, the steel fibers are evenly dispersed in concrete. |
上一页 改善基体对钢纤维的粘结性能 |
下一页 铣削钢纤维混凝土的早期坍落度损失较大 |
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