铣削钢纤维混凝土的早期坍落度损失较大 |
添加时间:2019/6/1 13:44:27 浏览次数: |
钢纤维混凝土具有与普通混凝土一样的搅拌、运转和施工性能,纤维在混凝土中不会结球,分布均匀,可在商品混凝土搅拌站进行生产并能用于泵送施工。铣削钢纤维混凝土的早期坍落度损失较大,30分钟损失32%,2小时损失42%。 Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) has the same mixing, operation and construction performance as ordinary concrete. Fibers do not nod in concrete and distribute evenly. It can be produced in commercial zhongyaodou.71ix.comkakou.37ix.com.cnzhongyaocai.71ix.combaohuqi.07858.netzaoxingzd.37ix.com.cn langfang.71ix.cnconcrete mixing station and can be used for pumping construction. The early slump loss of milling steel fiber reinforced concrete is large, 32% in 30 minutes and 42% in 2 hours. 由于熔抽法利用电炉熔化钢水,因此可以较方便地调整钢液的化学成分,从而生产出各种材质的钢纤维和其它金属纤维。Because the melting and pumping method uses electric furnace to melt molten steel, it is convenient to adjust the chemical composition of molten steel, thus producing steel fibers and other metal fibers of various materials. |
上一页 使集束钢纤维均匀分散在混凝土中 |
下一页 RPC材料减小了界面过渡区的厚度与范围 |
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