不锈钢主要进出口情况 |
添加时间:2018/12/7 13:42:22 浏览次数: |
世界范围内近20多年不锈钢产量约增加了4倍。以日本增长速度最大,增产了30多倍。70年代以来,日本不锈钢产量超过美国,跃居世界第一位。日美两国不锈钢总产量之和,占世界总产量的60%以上;其次分别为德国、法国、瑞典、意大利和英国。我国的不锈钢生产已具相当规模,规格品种已逐步填平补齐,在经济建设中发 挥很大作用,但仍不能满足日益增长的需要,每年还得进口一定数量的不锈钢材,其中从日本进口最多。 The output of stainless steel in the world has increased about four times in the past 20 years. Japan has the fastest growth rate, increasing production by more than 30 times. Since the 1970s, the output of stainless steel in Japan has surpassed that in the United States and ranked first in the world. The total output of stainless steel in Japan and the United States accounts for more than 60% of the world's total output, followed by Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and the United Kingdom. China's stainless steel production has a considerable scale, specifications and varieties have been gradually filled up, playing a great role in economic construction, but still can not meet the growing needs, and a certain amount of stainless steel has to be imported every year, of which Japan imports the most. 各种不锈钢产品,例如,各种厨房用具、餐具,我国也有一定量出口,销往世界各国和地区。 Various stainless steel products, such as kitchen utensils and tableware, are also exported to various countries and regions in China. |
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