不锈钢剪切式钢纤维 |
添加时间:2022/7/6 15:03:22 浏览次数: |
不锈钢剪切式钢纤维混凝土是在一般混凝土中掺入乱向散布的短钢纤维所构成的一种新式的多相复合材料。这些乱向散布的钢纤维可以有效地阻碍混凝土内部微裂缝的扩展及微观裂缝的构成,显著地改进了混凝土的抗拉、抗弯、抗冲击及功能,具有较好的延性。 Stainless steel shear steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is a new kind of multiphase composite material, which is composed of short steel fibers scattered randomly in general concrete. These scattered steel fibers can effectively hinder the expansion of micro-cracks and the composition of micro-cracks in concrete, significantly improve the tensile, flexural, impact and function of concrete, and have good ductility |
上一页 不同钢纤维的性能有很大不同 |
下一页 根据纤维增强机理的各种理论 |
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