钢纤维问世的时间不长,但应用领域越来越广泛 |
添加时间:2019/6/10 13:35:35 浏览次数: |
钢纤维,是以切断细钢丝法、冷轧带钢剪切、钢锭铣削或钢水快速冷凝法制成长径比(纤维长度与其直径的比值,当纤维截面为非圆形时,采用换算等效截面圆面积的直径)为40~80的纤维。 Steel fiber is a kind of fiber whose diameter ratio (the ratio of fiber length to its diameter) is 40-80 by youle.89ix.comhuatiw.89ix.comzuhehuati.89ix.comguandao.89ix.comhuanwanggui.89ix.compeidiangui.8 9ix.comcutting fine steel wire, shearing cold-rolled strip, milling ingot or rapid condensation of molten steel. 钢纤维问世的时间不长,但应用领域越来越广泛,与此相应,钢纤维的品种也再不断增多。Steel fibers have not been available for a long time, but they are used more and more widely. Correspondingly, the variety of steel fibers is also increasing. |
上一页 客户指定的特种钢材料为原料加工成形 |
下一页 不同的制取方式产出的钢纤维性能也不一样 |
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