钢纤维耐火浇注料 |
添加时间:2019/6/5 13:47:34 浏览次数: |
钢纤维耐火浇注料里面的耐热钢纤维是用铬镍等合金元素的不锈钢或者是耐热钢生产的,它的制造方法分别为:钢丝切断压型法、刚块切削法和钢熔抽法等。 The heat-resistant steel fibers in steel fiber refractory castables are made of stainless steel or heat-resistant steel with alloying elements such as chromium and nickel. The manufacturing methods of the heat-resistant steel fibers are steel wire cutting and pressing method, rigid block cutting method and steel melting and drawing method. 可以说前两种方法质量稳定、强度也高、但是价格就比较贵了;最后一种方法工艺简单、形状奇异、握裹力强、成本也低、有很多家生产,所以应用的很多。 It can be said that the first two methods are stable in quality, high in strength, but the price is more xuanzhuang.89ix.comchengde.71ix.cngaonianji.07858.net shepiguan.89ix.combianyaqipd.37ix.com.cn laliji.07858.netexpensive; the last method is simple in technology, strange in shape, strong in grip, low in cost, and many manufacturers produce, so it is widely used. |
上一页 不同的制取方式产出的钢纤维性能也不一样 |
下一页 改善基体对钢纤维的粘结性能 |
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