增强材料相复合的高技术混凝土 |
添加时间:2019/5/24 13:46:37 浏览次数: |
根据其组成和热处理方式的不同,这种混凝土的抗压强度可以达到200MPa至800MPa;抗拉强度可以达到20MPa至50MPa;弹性模量为40Gpa至60Gpa;断裂韧性高达40000J/m2,是普通混凝土的250倍,可与金属铝媲美;氯离子渗透性是高强混凝土的1/25,抗渗透能力极强;300次快速冻融循环后,试样未受损,耐久性因子高达100%;预应力活性粉末混凝土梁的抗弯强度与其自重之比接近于钢梁。 According to its composition and heat treatment method, the compressive strength of the concrete can reach 200 MPa to 800 MPa, the tensile strength can reach 20 MPa to 50 MPa, the modulus of elasticity is www.buxiugangsanton.cnwww.buxiugangwanto.cnwww.panshiganzaoj.cnwww.ganzaoji.net.cn www.shengwuzhi.net.cnwww.dingjingxiangjiao.cn40 Gpa to 60 Gpa, the fracture toughness is up to 40 0J/m2, which is 250 times as high as that of ordinary concrete and can be comparable to that of aluminium metal; the chloride ion permeability is 1/25 of high strength concrete, and the permeability is very strong after 300 rapid freeze-thaw cycles. The specimens are not damaged and the durability factor is as high as 100%. The ratio of flexural strength to self-weight of the pre-stressed RPC beams is close to that of steel beams. |
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