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添加时间:2019/3/5 13:41:19 浏览次数: |
钢纤维混凝土是以水泥净浆、砂浆或混凝土为基体,以金属纤维增强材料组成的水泥基复合材料。它是将短而细的,具有高抗拉强度、高极限延伸率、高抗碱性等良好性能的金属纤维均匀分散在混凝土基体中形成的一种新型建筑材料。 Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is a cement-based composite material composed of cement paste, mortar or concrete as the matrix and metal fiber reinforced materials. It is a new kind of building material which disperses short and thin metal fibers with good properties such as high tensile strength, high ultimate elongation and high alkali resistance evenly in concrete matrix. 桥面铺装层作为桥梁的非主体结构,通常被设计和施工所忽视,长期车辆荷载的作用,是造成桥面开裂、损坏的主要原因,从而影响桥梁的使用质量,降低使用寿命,在桥面铺装层使用钢纤维混凝土将会有效地解决桥面使用过程中容易出现的质量问题。 As a non-main structure of bridge, deck pavement is usually neglected in design and construction. caiguangwa.89ix.comdipinh.89ix.comdipingg.89ix.comzhusuji.89ix.comceshi.89ix.com mend.89ix.comLong-term vehicle load is the main cause of bridge deck cracking and damage, thus affecting the quality of bridge use and reducing its service life. The use of steel fiber concrete in deck pavement will effectively solve the quality problems that easily occur in the course of bridge deck use. |
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