波纹钢纤维的使用方法 |
添加时间:2019/2/26 11:41:33 浏览次数: |
波纹钢纤维是我们生活中常见的一种,那么大家是否知道波纹钢纤维的使用方法呢?下面详细为大家介绍: Corrugated steel fibers are a common kind of steel fibers in our life. Do you know how to use corrugated steel fibers? Here is a detailed introduction for you. 波纹型钢纤维基本外形与剪切的同形产品相当,但单丝的抗拉强度有了极大的提高,可达1100Mpa以上,适用于重点工程和大面积的混凝土抗裂部位。 The basic shape of corrugated steel fibers is similar to that of shear products, but the tensile strength of single fibers has been greatly improved, reaching more than 1100 Mpa, which is suitable for key projects and large areas of concrete crack resistance parts. 1、掺量:体积掺量0.5-2%,即30-120kg/m3(或按实际情况掺加); 1. Doping amount: 0.5-2% volume, that is, 30-120 kg/m3 (or according to the actual situation). 2、材料要求:钢纤维混凝土不得采用海水,海砂,严禁掺加氯盐; 2. Material requirements: steel fiber reinforced concrete shall not use sea water or sea sand, and chloride salt shall be strictly prohibited. 3、搅拌:钢纤维混凝土的工作性可参考同类工程对普通混凝土所要求的坍落度来确定,适当延长搅拌时间,以保证钢纤维的均匀分散; 3. Mixing: The workability of steel fiber reinforced concrete can be determined by referring to the slump required for ordinary concrete in similar projects, and the mixing time can be appropriately prolonged to ensure the uniform dispersion of steel fiber.chengdu.89ix.com guizhou.89ix.comkunming.89ix.com hangzhou.89ix.comnanchang.89ix.comguangzhou.89ix.com 4、养护:加入纤维后混凝土的施工及养护工艺与未加纤维的混凝土完全相同; 4. Maintenance: The construction and maintenance technology of concrete with fibers is identical to that of concrete without fibers. 5、使用安全:适当注意劳动防护,防止刺伤和溅到眼睛。 5. Safety of use: Proper attention should be paid to labor protection to prevent stabbing and splashing eyes. |
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