镀锌铁丝镀锌生产工艺过程及控制 |
添加时间:2018/12/22 14:02:02 浏览次数: |
镀锌铁丝镀锌生产工艺过程及控制 Production Process and Control of Galvanized Iron Wire Galvanizing 1、镀前消除应力凡最大抗拉强度大于1034Mpa的关键、重要件镀前应在200±10℃下消除应力1小时以上,渗碳或表面淬火件应在140±10℃下消除应力5小时以上。 1. The stress relief before plating is more than 1 hour for the key parts whose maximum tensile strength is greater than 1034 Mpa, and for the important parts before plating, and for the carburized or surface-hardened parts, it should be more than 5 hours for the stress relief at 200 10 and 140 10. 2、清洗所用的清洗剂应对镀层的结合力无影响,对基体无腐蚀。 2. The cleaning agent used for cleaning should have no effect on the adhesion of the coating and no corrosion to the substrate. 3、酸活化酸活化液应能除去零件表面的锈蚀产物、氧化膜(皮),对基体无过腐蚀。 3. The acid activating acid activating solution should be able to remove the rust products and oxide film (skin) on the surface of parts without over-corrosion to the matrix. 4、镀锌镀锌可使用锌酸盐镀锌或氯化物镀锌等工艺,应使用合适的添加剂以获得能满足本标准所要求的镀层。 4. Zinc plating can use zincate or chloride zinc plating processes. Appropriate additives should be used to obtain coatings that meet the requirements of this standard. 5、出光镀后应进行出光处理。 5. Light-out treatment should be carried out after light-out plating. 6、钝化需除氢的零件应在除氢后再进行钝化,钝化前应用1%H2SO4或1%盐酸活化5~15s。除非设计图上另有规定,钝化应采用彩色铬酸盐处理。 6. Passivation parts requiring dehydrogenation should be passivated after dehydrogenation. Before passivation, 1% H2SO4 or 1% hydrochloric acid should be used to activate the parts for 5-15 seconds. Unless otherwise specified in the design drawing, the passivation shall be treated with color chromate. |
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