钢纤维高强浇注料 |
添加时间:2018/12/5 14:25:48 浏览次数: |
钢纤维高强浇注料是采用铝矾土熟料作骨料,以优质矾土熟料作基质,以超微粉等多种复合材料为结合剂和添加剂,外加不锈钢耐热纤维配制而成。该产品除具有常规的高温耐磨损性能外,因在其配料中加入了一定数量的耐热不锈钢纤维,防止了材料中骨料与基质在高温状态下产生的涨差,以及在启停炉时产生的温度梯度变化所产生的应力而导致炉墙破坏,同时,由于钢纤维的加入,使材料浇注后炉墙整体强度大大增强。常用于炉门口等部位。 Steel fiber high strength castable is made of bauxite clinker as aggregate, high quality bauxite clinker as matrix, superfine powder and other composite materials as binder and additive, and stainless steel heat resistant fiber. In addition to the conventional high temperature wear resistance, the product adds a certain amount of heat-resistant stainless steel fibers to its ingredients, which prevents the rising difference between aggregate and matrix at high temperature, and the stress caused by the temperature gradient change during start-up and shutdown, which leads to the destruction of furnace wall. At the same time, the steel is used as a raw material. With the addition of fibers, the overall strength of the furnace wall is greatly enhanced after the material is poured. It is often used at the entrance of the furnace and other parts. |
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