钢纤维使用搅拌的顺序! |
添加时间:2018/11/5 13:50:37 浏览次数: |
钢纤维产品在使用过程中,搅拌是非常重要的一个环节,其决定了最终钢纤维混凝土的所有理化性能。因此,必须以科学的方式进行搅拌才能最大深度地发挥出钢纤维混凝土的性能,使之达到并超过设计要求。 In the process of using steel fiber products, mixing is a very important link, which determines all the physical and chemical properties of the final steel fiber concrete. Therefore, it is necessary to mix scientifically in order to maximize the performance of steel fiber reinforced concrete and make it meet and exceed the design requirements. 在钢纤维的搅拌有:手工拌和和机器拌和两种方式。 There are two ways to stir steel fibers: manual mixing and machine mixing. 手工拌和一般应用在小的修补工程上,总的混凝土方量不会太多。所以,一般只要设法将钢纤维与混凝土完全均匀的搅拌即可。(具体操作的时候切忌:砂、石、 水泥、钢纤维必须先干拌完全均匀再加适量水,否则难以拌匀)。 Manual mixing is generally applied to small repair works, and the total volume of concrete will not be too large. Therefore, as long as we try to mix steel fiber and concrete evenly, The concrete operation should be avoided: sand, stone, cement and steel fibers must be dry mixed completely and evenly, and then appropriate amount of water, otherwise it is difficult to mix evenly. 机械拌和混凝土的过程中需加钢纤维产品,一般的搅拌站有大有小,但基本功能都是一致的,所以钢纤维加入的程序也要基本一致。搅拌可以按照以下的顺序进行: In the process of mechanical mixing concrete, steel fiber products are needed. Generally, the mixing stations are large or small, but the basic functions are the same, so the procedure of steel fiber addition should be basically the same. Agitation can be carried out in the following order: 1.在传输带上,一般先递入料斗的是干砂,石,按当时设计时的比例先递入搅拌斗。 1. On the conveyor belt, dry sand and stone are usually first passed into the hopper, and then into the mixing hopper according to the proportion at the time of design. 2.在干料中加入适量的钢纤维(钢纤维的加入量根据设计要求,详见使用配比)。 2. Adding appropriate amount of steel fibers to the dry material (the amount of steel fibers added according to the design requirements, see the use ratio for details). 3.当砂、石、钢纤维全部倒入料斗后,就可以进行干拌(切记千万不要加水),一般干搅一分钟至 二分钟即可。 3. When sand, stone and steel fibers are all poured into the hopper, dry mixing can be carried out (remember not to add water). Generally, dry mixing can be done for one minute to two minutes. 4.再加水进行(适量水)进行混凝土搅拌(请注意水的掺量切勿过量,否则钢纤维容易结团) 4. Adding water (appropriate amount of water) for concrete mixing (please note that the amount of water should not be excessive, otherwise steel fibers are easy to agglomerate) 5.铺装过程可以使用大型机械,也可以手工铺装,这与普通混凝土铺装相同。 5. the paving process can be done with large machinery or manual pavement, which is the same as ordinary concrete pavement. 6.铺装完毕后须用压实机振动压实,不留泡或砂眼,要保证混凝土的实在。 6. after finishing, the compactor must be vibratory and compacted without leaving bubbles or sand holes. 7.最后对混凝土表面进行平整,人工与机械均可。注意不要将钢纤维露到表面来。 7. finally, the concrete surface can be leveled, both manual and mechanical. Be careful not to expose steel fibers to the surface. |
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