不锈钢纤维的铁磁性 |
添加时间:2018/7/16 15:37:55 浏览次数: |
不锈钢纤维的铁磁性: Ferromagnetism of stainless steel fiber: 随着纤维丝径减小,其饱和磁化强度在增大.随着纤维丝径减小, With the decrease of fiber diameter, the saturation magnetization increases. 马氏体相含量在增加,其特征衍射峰强度 The content of martensite increased and its characteristic diffraction peak intensity. 也明显增高。而晶粒尺寸减小到一定程度后,晶粒间的交换耦合作用使材料的剩磁增强、矫顽力下降、磁导率提高。 It was also significantly higher. When the grain size is reduced to a certain extent, the exchange coupling effect between the grains will enhance the remanence, coercive force and permeability of the material. 造成奥氏体纤维具弱磁性原因可能由应力诱发的马氏体相变,奥氏体不锈钢纤维主要成份也是铁,也可能因纤维丝径越小,其组织中的铁元素更接近铁磁性的空间状态。在一定范围内,随着丝径变小,磁性增大, The reason that the austenitic fiber is weakly magnetic may be caused by stress induced martensitic transformation, the main component of austenitic stainless steel fiber is iron, and the smaller the fiber diameter, the iron element in the microstructure is closer to the ferromagnetic space state. Within a certain range, as the diameter of the wire decreases, the magnetism increases. 8UM纤维磁性比20UM和12UM纤维高出3-6倍,6UM-2U纤维的磁性小于8UM不锈钢纤维的磁性; The magnetic properties of 8UM fibers are 3-6 times higher than those of 20UM and 12UM fibers, and the magnetic properties of 6UM-2U fibers are smaller than those of 8UM stainless steel fibers. 退火后纤维呈顺磁性。纯奥氏体相纤维磁性相对较弱,退火可使纤维组织再次转变为单一奥氏体, The annealed fibers are paramagnetic. The pure austenite fibers are relatively weak in magnetic properties, and annealing can make fibrous tissue transformed into single austenite. 其马氏体衍射特征峰表现为减弱或消失。马氏体相纤维磁性较强,其强度超过镍基体。 The characteristic peaks of martensite diffraction decrease or disappear. Martensitic fibers have strong magnetic properties, and their strength exceeds that of nickel matrix. |
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