不锈钢纤维开发前景 |
添加时间:2018/5/2 15:36:18 浏览次数: |
不锈钢纤维开发前景 Development prospect of stainless steel fiber 不锈钢纤维由于其独特的优异性能,是高科技领域的新型纤维材料之一, Stainless steel fiber is one of the new fiber materials in the field of high technology due to its unique excellent performance. 在国际上已有长足的发展,在民用、工业、军事方面的开发应用前景非常广阔。我国对不锈钢纤维及其制品的研究始于1979年,但由于技术、原辅材料等问题,我国初生产的不锈钢纤维质量远远落后于国外同类产品。此后十几年间,我国的不锈钢纤维工业走过了从进口原料到原料国产化及成品出口的过程。 It has made great progress in the world, and has broad application prospects in civil, industrial and military fields. The research of stainless steel fiber and its products in our country began in 1979, but the quality of stainless steel fiber produced in our country is far behind the same kind of products in foreign countries because of the problems of technology, raw and auxiliary materials and so on. Over the past decade, China's stainless steel fiber industry has gone through the process of importing raw materials to raw materials and finished products. 如今我国不锈钢纤维制造不仅已实现国产化,而且生产基地多,品种规格齐全,有些混纺制品已经开始走向国际市场。随着我国石油、化工工业的进一步发展,二次能源材料的崛起,人们对生活质量要求的提高,对不锈钢纤维及其制品的需求将会迅猛增加,使不锈钢纤维及其制品项目在我国实现产业化具有非常重要的现实意义。 Nowadays, the manufacture of stainless steel fiber in our country has not only been made in China, but also with many production bases and complete specifications. Some blended products have begun to move towards the international market. With the further development of China's petroleum and chemical industry, the rise of the two energy materials and the improvement of the quality of life, the demand for stainless steel fiber and its products will be increased rapidly, so that the industrialization of the stainless steel fiber and its products in our country is of great practical significance. |
上一页 不锈钢纤维用途特点 |
下一页 钢纤维是一种新、高性能的钢纤维品种 |
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