假山制作 不锈钢铸件 铝箔真空袋 七孔梅花管 hdpe硅芯管 液压钢坝 PVC软管 飞行激光打标机 沥青保温泵维增强效果的主要控制因素之一。
According to various theories of fiber reinforcement mechanism, such as
fiber spacing theory, composite material theory and micro fracture
theory, as well as the analysis of a large number of experimental data,
it can be determined that the reinforcement effect of fiber mainly
depends on matrix strength (FM), fiber length diameter ratio (the ratio
of steel fiber length L to diameter D, I / D), and fiber volume ratio
(the volume of steel fiber in steel fiber reinforced concrete) The
results show that the bond strength between the fiber and the matrix
(τ), the distribution and orientation of the fiber in the matrix (η).
When the steel fiber reinforced concrete is damaged, most of the fibers
are pulled out rather than broken. Therefore, improving the bond
strength between the fiber and the matrix is one of the main control
factors to improve the fiber reinforcement effec