




《欧洲喷射混凝土范例》用大板实行比力钢纤维喷射混凝土和挂网喷射混凝土的性能,实行效果发明钢纤维喷射混凝土有更高的承载本领和吸取变形本领。 混凝土中参加钢纤维后可进步混凝土的弯拉韧度,能量吸取本领,抗打击本领和对缝隙的控制。匀称漫衍的钢纤维使喷射混凝土恣意截面都可以大概蒙受拉应力,同时和围岩有极佳的粘结力,因此可以通过应力重漫衍,充实发挥围岩的自承本领,是抱负的支护质料。
In the European Shotcrete Example, the performances of large slabs are better than those of steel fiber shotcrete and hanging net shotcrete. The results show that steel fiber shotcrete has higher bearing capacity and absorbs deformation ability. The steel fibers in concrete can improve the flexural and tensile toughness of concrete, the ability to absorb energy, the ability to resist impact and the control of cracks. The symmetrical and diffuse steel fibers can make the arbitrary section of shotcrete subjected to approximately tensile stress, and have excellent bonding force with surrounding rock. Therefore, the self-supporting ability of surrounding rock can be enriched by stress rediffuse, which is the ideal supporting material.
钢纤维混凝土既能作为初期支护、也可作为永世衬砌;和挂网相比有技能和经济上的上风:   钢筋挂网施工工艺庞大;在高低不屈的岩面难以沿岩石外貌部署在拉应力区;在喷射混凝土时回弹大;混凝土容易调集在挂网的外貌,在挂网的背后形成空洞;当围岩条件较差时,不克不及形成实时支护。   钢纤维喷射混凝土可以顺着围岩外貌形成快速有用的支护,和岩石有更好的粘结,并且进步施工宁静性简化施工工序,加速了施工进度。   从经济角度出发,钢纤维混凝土衬砌厚度比挂网混凝土节省30%,回弹量淘汰30%,工期节省20-30%.
Steel fiber reinforced concrete can be used as both initial support and eternal lining; compared with hanging mesh, it has technical and economic advantages: the construction technology of hanging mesh is huge; it is difficult to deploy in tension stress zone along rock appearance at high and low rock surface; the rebound is large when shotcrete is shotcrete; concrete is easy to gather in the www.xinhaogan.cnwww.hejinwantou.com.cnwww.jiankonggan.org.cn www.wushuichul.cnwww.banjiatangshan.cnwww.jiankongligan.org.cnappearance of hanging mesh and form holes behind hanging mesh; when surrounding rock conditions are large. Real-time support can not be formed in poor condition. Steel fiber shotcrete can form fast and useful support along the appearance of surrounding rock, and has better bonding with rock. It also improves the construction quietness, simplifies the construction process and speeds up the construction progress. From the economic point of view, the thickness of steel fiber reinforced concrete lining is 30% less than that of hanging net concrete, the rebound is eliminated by 30%, and the construction period is saved by 20-30%.


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