




1) 根据使用目的,选择品种,并根据技术经济进行比较确定。
1) Select varieties according to the purpose of use, and compare them according to technology and economy.
2) 所加掺量应按所用品种,并根据使用要求,施工条件,拌合的原材料等因素经试验确定。掺量以水泥重量的百分率表示。
2) The dosage should be determined according to the variety used, and according to the use requirements, construction conditions, raw materials and other factors. The amount of admixture is expressed as the percentage of cement weight.
3) 掺量为1%以下的外加剂(如高效减水剂)应以水溶液掺入为宜。
3) Admixture with less than 1% content (such as superplasticizer) should be mixed with water solution.
4) Attention should be paid to the adaptability of admixtures to cement.
5)外加剂的性能应符合现行标准《混凝土外加剂 应用规程》的规定。
5) The performance of admixtures should conform to the current standard "Specification for the Application of Concrete Admixture".
In addition, according to the needs and possibilities, a certain amount of fly ash or silica fume can be fangdaomen.89ix.comdiankonggui.89ix.com tiepuyi.89ix.comtanceqi.07858.net bianyaqiyj.37ix.com.cngangguanh.37ix.com.cnadded into the steel fiber reinforced concrete to improve the workability of the mixture, save the amount of cement and improve the strength. The performance of the mixing material should conform to the current standard "Fly Ash for Cement and Concrete" and "Volcanic Ash Mixture for Cement", and its content can be determined by test.


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  2. 网址:bxgxianwei.37ix.com.cn

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