1. On-site construction according to technical specifications can ensure construction quality and avoid hidden dangers caused by uneven settlement of floor.
2、安装上部设备的地脚螺栓时,不会像传统钢筋地坪那样碰到钢筋,同时由于钢纤维混凝土地坪的整体性好,长期使用不会出现传统钢 筋混凝土地坪的膨胀、螺栓易松动、开裂的现象。
2. When installing the anchor bolt of the upper equipment, it will not encounter the reinforcement bar qitixielou.37ix.com.cnbileiqi.37ix.com.cntanceqi.37ix.com.cnlingxu.37ix.com.cnguodianya.37ix.com.cn baohuqi.37ix.com.cnlike the traditional reinforced concrete floor. At the same time, because of the good integrity of the steel fiber reinforced concrete floor, the expansion, loosening and cracking of the traditional reinforced concrete floor will not occur in long-term use.
3. No corrosion problem: The spalling phenomenon of concrete caused by the rusting and expansion of steel bars is impossible to occur in steel fiber reinforced concrete because the section of each steel fiber is very small.
4. Improve the safety of construction: there will be no safety problems that may occur during the construction of reinforcing bars.