1. The standard and design values of the axial compressive strength and flexural compressive strength shiyany.89ix.comdiandongmen.89ix.comtongmen.89ix.comqingxijii.89ix.comgangmumen.89ix.com
erliu.89ix.comof steel fiber reinforced concrete can be adopted according to the strength grade (or label) of steel fiber reinforced concrete according to the current relevant specifications for the design of concrete structures.
2. The standard and design values of the tensile strength of the steel fiber reinforced bar can be determined according to the following formulas:
fftk=ftk(I+a1入f) (2 .2.3一1)
F FTK = FTK (I + A1 into f) (2.2.3-1)
fft=ft (1+ at入f) (2 .2,3一2)
F ft = ft (1 + at into f) (2.2, 3-2)
入f= Pflf/df (2 .2.3一3)
Enter f = Pflf/df (2.2.3-3)
In the formula fftk, the standard value and design value of the tensile strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete;
Ftkft - Tensile strength standard and design value determined according to the strength grade (or label) of steel fiber reinforced concrete according to current relevant concrete structural design codes;
Characteristic parameters of steel fiber content;
Pf - steel fiber volume ratio;
LF - steel fiber length;
DF - steel fiber diameter (or equivalent diameter);
The influence coefficient of at steel fiber on tensile strength should be determined by test when the strength grade of steel fiber reinforced concrete is CF20-CF40.