If steel fiber reinforced concrete is used to repair the overlay, the cost of one-time investment will be much less than that of rebuilding concrete pavement in recent years. Similarly, from one-time investment, service life, maintenance cost and the time value of funds to evaluate the economic benefits of fiber reinforced concrete pavement engineering comprehensively, and from the new asphalt www.changzhibanjia.cnwww.baodingbaojie.com.cnwww.yfpackaging.com.cnwww.diteLi.com.cn
www.lantianr.cnwww.ktmfj.cnconcrete pavement evaluation of comprehensive benefits, although the one-time investment of fiber reinforced concrete pavement is higher than the former, but from the different considerations of its maintenance cost, service life, and the time benefit of funds, the annual cost method is used to calculate it. The results show that the annual expenditure of fiber reinforced concrete pavement is 35% lower than that of asphalt concrete pavement. The use of fiber reinforced concrete repair method can not only ensure the quality of steel fiber reinforced concrete and its reinforcement effect, but also open the traffic ahead of time, with remarkable economic and social benefits.