钢筋冷拉是在常温条件下,以超过原来 钢筋屈服点强度的拉应力,强行拉伸钢筋,使钢筋产生一 塑性变形达到提高钢筋屈服点强度和节约钢材的目的。(此处常温为平均室外温度大于5℃) 而冷拔钢筋是将钢筋用强力拔过比它本身直径还小的硬质合金拔丝模,这是钢筋同时受到纵向拉力和横向压力的作用,截面变小,长度变长,钢丝的强度大大提高,但塑性降低很多。钢筋冷拔时,钢筋同时经受张拉和挤压而发生塑性变形,拔出的钢筋截面积减小,产生冷作强化,抗拉强度可提高40~90%。冷拔加工使材料除了有拉伸变形外还有挤压变形,冷拔加工一般要在专门的冷拔机上进行。
The cold-drawing of steel bar is to stretch the steel bar forcibly under normal temperature condition with the tensile stress exceeding the strength of the original yield point of steel bar, so that the plastic deformation of steel bar can be produced, so as to improve the strength of the yield point of steel bar and save steel. The cold-drawn steel bar is a hard alloy wire drawing die which draws the steel bar by force smaller than its own diameter. This is the effect of both longitudinal tension and transverse pressure on the steel bar. The section becomes smaller, the length becomes longer, and the strength of the steel wire is greatly increased, but the plasticity is much lower. When the steel bar is cold drawn, the steel bar undergoes plastic deformation by tension and extrusion at the same time. The section area of the drawn steel bar decreases, resulting in cold work strengthening, and the tensile strength can be increased by 40-90%. Cold drawing process makes materials not only have tension deformation, but also extrusion deformation. Cold drawing process is usually carried out on a special cold drawing machine.
Cold drawing can only improve the tensile strength of steel bar, and cold drawing can not only improve its tensile strength, but also improve its compressive strength. Both of these cold-working processes are at the expense of the deformability of the steel to achieve the effect of increasing strength and hardness, but after treatment, the yield ratio of the steel increases, the safety reserve decreases, ductility decreases, and no obvious deformation occurs before destruction. The use of such reinforcing bars is prohibited for parts or important parts that may bear dynamic loads.