1.在传输带上,一般先递入料斗的是干砂,石,按当时设计时的比例先递入搅拌斗。 2.在干料中加入适量的钢纤维(钢纤维的加入量根据设计要求,详见使用配比)。 3.当砂、石、钢纤维全部倒入料斗后,就可以进行干拌(切记千万不要加水),一般干搅一分钟至 二分钟即可。 4.再加水进行(适量水)进行混凝土搅拌(请注意水的掺量切勿过量,否则钢纤维容易结团) 5.将拌和好的钢纤维水泥混凝土装车,就可以运到施工现场使用了。 6.铺装过程可以使用大型机械,也可以手工铺装,这与普通混凝土铺装相同。 7.铺装完毕后须用压实机振动压实,不留泡或砂眼,要保证混凝土的实在。 8.最后对混凝土表面进行平整,人工与机械均可。注意不要将钢纤维露到表面来。 1. on the transmission belt, the dry sand and stone are generally handed in to the hopper first, and then the mixing bucket is first delivered to the design according to the proportion at that time. 2. add proper amount of steel fiber to the dry material (the amount of steel fiber is added according to the design requirements, see the use ratio). 3. when sand, stone and steel fibers are poured into the hopper, they can be dry mixed (remember not to add water). Generally stir dry for a minute to two minutes. 4. again add water (appropriate water) for concrete mixing (please pay attention to the amount of water do not overdose, otherwise steel fiber easy to cluster) 5. will be mixed with good steel fiber cement concrete loading, can be transported to the construction site to use. 6. the paving process can be done with large machinery or manual pavement, which is the same as ordinary concrete pavement. 7. after finishing, the compactor must be vibratory and compacted without leaving bubbles or sand holes. 8. finally, the concrete surface can be leveled, both manual and mechanical. Be careful not to expose the steel fiber to the surface.