




在喷射混凝土中加入钢纤维可以改善混凝土吸收能量的能力和抗冲击能力,提供开裂的阻力,控制开裂,并且能明显改善延展性。例如:在混凝土基体开裂后,它仍然具有承载能力。在混凝土中加入钢纤维,和素混凝土、钢筋混凝土相比改善和提高了许多性能,通过各项试验结果表明,钢纤维喷射混凝土的力学性能均有不同程度的提高。大业钢纤维喷射混凝土各项强度指标增加效果得较为明显,相对普通喷射混凝土而言,增强比例约为10%~20%。从本文的结果来看,就基本力学性能的提升而言,优先推荐大业钢纤维混凝土,试验结果综合见表8,本文的遗憾在于未就不同掺量的钢纤维进行对比试验并且试验过程中试件的数量也不是很充足,尽管如此但仍可以定量的计算出钢纤维喷射混凝土相对于普通混凝土的优越性,对于钢纤维混凝土的推广可以提供相当的参考作用,就目前应用前景而言,钢纤维喷射混凝土作为新型衬砌材料应用于隧道中,显著提高了安全性,这完全符合隧道支护施工及时、快速、安全的要求,因此钢纤维喷射混凝土具有相当广阔的应用前景。 In adding steel fiber shotcrete can improve the concrete's ability to absorb energy and impact resistant ability, provide the cracking resistance, control of cracking, and can significantly improve the ductility. For example, after the concrete matrix is cracked, it still has a bearing capacity. In adding steel fiber concrete and plain concrete and reinforced concrete improvement and improve the performance of many, compared with the test results show that the mechanical properties of steel fiber shotcrete have varying degrees of increase. The increase of the strength index of the steel fiber shotcrete is more obvious, and the ratio is about 10% ~ 20% compared with the conventional shotcrete. From this article, in terms of basic mechanical properties of ascension, give priority of steel fiber reinforced concrete, the test results are shown in table 8, the regret of this essay is not just the different proportion of steel fiber in the process of the comparison test and test the number of specimens is not very enough, though but still can be quantitatively calculated the advantages of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete compared with ordinary concrete, for the promotion of steel fiber reinforced concrete can provide a reference, as for the current application prospects, steel fiber sprayed concrete as a new lining material used in the tunnel, significantly improves security, this is completely in line with the safety of tunnel supporting construction, rapid and timely, so steel fiber shotcrete has fairly broad application prospects.


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版权 © 钢纤维厂  网址:bxgxianwei.37ix.com.cn 推荐:不锈钢钢纤维,冷拉钢丝钢纤维,镀铜钢纤维,混凝土钢纤维

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